2009年7月22日 星期三


Topic of the day: EDUCATION
Americans go to school for 12 years. Elementary school, junior high school and high school are free. The law say children must go to school. But, when students are 16, they can take a special test. If they pass the test, they can leave high school. Most people graduate from high school when they're 18 years old.
There are many private junior high and high schools, but they are very expensive. Most children go to public schools. All colleges and universities cost money. But, the public schools get money from the government. So, they aren't very expensive. Private colleges and university are extremely expensive.
Junior high and high school students can choose many of their classes. Everyone takes math, English, and science classes. Art, music, dance, and other classes may be taken if students are interested. University students choose most of their classes.


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